

Monday, January 20, 2014

Absolute Chaos :)

 So we've sort of started adjusting to Bug and Smiles. Since I know they're very temporary to our home I'm basically treating it like an extended play date. Yes my house is a disaster zone, I don't know if you can go two feet in any direction without finding a toy but guess what I don't care. The only thing that has been a serious struggle to keep up with is dishes. 6 plates for 3 meals a day adds up quick and that's just for the kids. I'm trying to not stress about everything though. It doesn't matter if the toys aren't correctly sorted and put away every night. It doesn't matter if Mommy is so exhausted she can't read Sneazy, the Snowman one more time.

 Instead I'm focused more on making things easy for the girls. Yes I'm including Princess in this. Little girl is green with jealousy. She isn't so happy about sharing her toys, I think it'd be easier if there was only one new child to focus on but right now she has two kids who don't understand that taking things out of her hands isn't ok. Bug is being a bit more spoiled than she would if she were a long term placement. We have been rocking and cuddling her till she is almost asleep before putting her to bed. Not a good habit I know but she loves it and I don't see any need to let her cry. Hubs loves it she snuggles with him while he watches tv.

 Yesterday we had to take Smiles earrings out. She pulled one of them out during bath time which let me see how swollen they are. The holes are leaking blood and a greenish pus. She's lucky I didn't get sick. I'm not sure what the rules are but I took the earrings out so I could clean her ears really well and put some triple antibiotic on them. I really don't want to put the earrings back in since her ears are really tender and I had to fight her to clean them. I can't see putting an earring back in a child who's fighting me tooth and nail to keep me away from her ears. Oh and we know how old she is! She's 2, just a month younger than Princess but she's got about 4 inches and 10 pounds on Princess.

 Both girls liked church yesterday. Bug loved being the center of attention with the nursery workers. She was held and focused on pretty much the whole time. Princess didn't like that at all because normally she gets a ton of attention and this time it was less than normal. Then Princess tripped and fell in the mud which was pretty much the end of the world. She spent the rest of the day whining to daddy that her hands were dirty even after they'd been cleaned.

 My boys are pretty much hiding out. Legoman has been hanging out at his friends house, they're going to go see the Lone Ranger today. Cap and Moose have been playing together more than normal. Sometimes they go and play with the big boy legos in the big boy room other times Moose watches Cap play on his Kindle.

Tomorrow we hear from the girls' worker about the plan for moving them. I am kind of glad, its been fun but I am EXHAUSTED. Six kids is way harder than I thought.

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