

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Three kids 2 and under, insanity?

 So Giggles spent her first night last night so she is officially in our home as of yesterday. Mom and Grandma came over this morning and they'll come back with dad this afternoon to take her for a walk while I go get the big kiddlets. So far Giggles is doing pretty well, she cried last night and tried to go to the door so she could go home but nothing too drastic. Took a little more than half an hour for her to go to sleep. Pretty normal. Today when mom and grandma came over she had a couple of meltdown temper tantrums but again, that's expected.
  Yesterday Giggle's social worker called, would I be interested in another baby? She is about 17 months old and cute as can be. Then she realized I had two 2 year olds but I still said yes. Especially once she told me that this maybe possibly could be an adoptive placement. I won't meet her until tomorrow but I'm so excited.
 The fact that I'm excited leads me to wonder if I'm insane.


  1. haha...I had four under 2 at one time. Yes, it was insanity! :)

    Thanks for the visit today!

    1. Oh my yes, I read through quite a bit of your blog. You are an amazingly strong woman. :)
