Today is brought to you by the letter P. Today P is for Princess, another easy one because I have a child for today. I am actually super excited to brag about Princess a bit because we have had a speech therapist (actually we're on our 3rd) for her since she got here back in September. They don't believe me how much she talks since whenever they visit she doesn't say a word and just sits in the corner of the room glaring at them. She gives the best stink eye I have ever seen. Now she talks to the immediate family members and some friends of mine that we see frequently but the therapists never seem to believe that. They are always telling me she is so delayed and one has tried to tell me they thought she might be mentally retarded. She has also been assigned a developmental therapist because she is 'so far behind'. Keep in mind this is despite me telling them that she talks to me just fine and I think she might be above where most 2 year olds are. The new therapist came out this Tuesday and Princess decided that she liked her. Could be that she was older and not as pushy as the previous ones, I have no idea. Princess talked! She chatted with this lady as if she was part of the family. Two to three words strung together, labeling things and finding things when asked to. New speech lady looked at me and said 'I was led to believe that she was severely delayed. That's why I was assigned I have the most experience but if anything I'd say she's preforming at a 2 1/2 year old level and she's not even 2 yet.' YES! Thank you, I explained her hesitancy with new people and her mean look. I was assured that its much better that she is cautious around strangers than super outgoing like Giggles. She even advised that I get Giggles checked for attachment issues. The developmental therapist came the next day and had heard what happened. She was in shock at Princess' rave review and stayed worked her tush off to get Princess to open up. It took 45 minutes but Princess started talking for her too.
Now a little bit about our pretty Princess. She is super girly and very dainty. She loves shoes and clothes, especially things with sparkles. Princess already shows a strong preference for the color pink. Whenever ballet comes on tv she freezes and stops to watch. At Christmas time she was the only child to watch the Nutcracker with me. She tries to mimic the dancers and it makes me smile. I can not wait till the social worker gets back to work and lets me know what day we're going to be trying to finalize.
She wanted a ballerina bun and bow :)
Seems like you need a girly girl around your place.
Oh I do need a girly girl :D I am loving every second of it. I have loved doing so many little girls' hair. I think its been one of the most fun parts of fostering