So much for updating everyday, huh? I've also been trying to clean up every night so my poor hubby can walk into a clean house when he gets home after midnight. Oh and I have been trying to do a load of laundry a day, not just throw it in the washer and dryer oh no no but actually fold it and put it away. That's the part I hate and lately my laundry pile of stuff to fold and put away has been trying to take over my life so the best way to handle that is to only do 1 load but do everything. It works but it is a pain in the rear.
Know what else is a pain? Kindergarten homework. Seriously I hate it with a passion. With Legoman it was so easy. I only had 3 kids and Moose was tiny and slept a lot. Now I have 3 under 3 running around while I'm trying to help Cap. I know Cap isn't stupid but he will try to convince you that he is while doing homework. Sometimes I feel like stabbing myself in the head with the pencil while trying to help him. Wow that sounds horrible out loud- er typed. You mom's know what I mean though right? Dad's too if they have time to help (although Hubby has exceptional patience with Cap during homework time). I try hard to stay positive but its harder than it should be and I find myself snapping at the littles as Cap and I try to plow through.
On a positive note we get to see the girl's social worker tomorrow. I know a lot of foster parents that don't like to see the kids' workers but I love it. Basically we sit down she lets me know anything new in the case or anything I need to know about while I get to tell her how great the kids are doing. Unless they're not but both girls are awesome and growing so fast. Giggles is talking SOOOOO much now, not sure when it happened that she started talking more than anyone in the house but she is certainly there now. Princess is talking a lot now too and starting to get pushy with the other kids. I'm glad to see her standing up for herself and it makes me laugh when she stamps her foot in frustration when the older two don't listen to her.
This last week we went on a trip and got to see a lot of family I haven't seen in a long time. While that sounds great the reason for the trip was sad, my aunt passed away. She was only 62 which really isn't old especially for my mom's side of the family where people seem to live into their 100's regularly. We got to hear some nice stories about her but it was weird for me. We weren't close and I didn't know her that well but it really seemed like there were two of her. One was my cool fun aunt that was always so pretty and I wanted to be just like and then there was this mean lady that was mad at everyone. It made me feel bad for her daughters who are some of my favorite family members. They also made the comment that there were two different mom's they remember. I guess now I can see that my aunt was bi polar. Apparently it runs in my family but no one really wants to get that official diagnosis because then they're labeled. My mom said she was officially diagnosed awhile back but she kept it hidden. Makes me wonder though if she had let the family know, the support and someone making sure she took her meds would that have made us have had better memories. Ones that weren't as tarnished as the ones I have.
Wow this is getting depressing apparently I need to go to bed.
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