

Thursday, August 30, 2012

News maybe?

Well today or tomorrow we should hear back on the two sisters we put in for almost 3 months ago. Well let me explain a little. I sent in the inquiry and homestudy 3 months ago, I received an email from the case worker letting me know she got my information and if I had any questions I could call or email her (she gave me her phone and extension number). Almost 3 weeks later I was wondering what happened since we hadn't heard anything yet so I called her. She said matching was in another couple days and she assured me she would email me even if we weren't chosen. A couple days later I got an email saying they chose someone else.
 A couple of weeks later I noticed they were back up on the site. I immediately called the social worker (bet she's regretting giving me her number now) and asked if it was a mistake that they were relisted or if they were back up. She said the other family backed out because they couldn't handle the girl's needs but she still had my homestudy and had already put it in the file for them. Three weeks later I still hadn't heard anything so I called again because I'm annoying like that. She remembered me (yay! right that's good?) and told me they just got a matching date for the end of August. Now to me end of August is anytime after the 15th and yet here it is the 30th and still no news. I figure if I don't get a call by tomorrow at 3 (5 pm there) then that means I wasn't chosen and will receive and email letting me know that in the next few days after. So now I am anxiously checking emails and staring at the phone.
 On a side note we STILL don't have any foster placements which is weird. I even mentioned to our licensing worker that we hadn't had any calls. She said thats because they've only been taking in teens this week. That's one of the reason I love our licensing worker, she gives me information even when I just hint that I want more information. I think we'll make her cookies at Christmas time. She's my favorite.

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