

Monday, November 10, 2014

Home Inspection Day

  We are officially relicensed for another year of foster care. For some reason every time we get ready to relicense our  home I go into panic mode. Is our house clean enough? Do those bags under my eyes make me look like an insane person? Then every time we meet with our licensing person and its easy, she even answers any question I'm afraid to ask case workers. Plus sometimes she even lets me know more about cases/rumors and puts my fears at ease. She really is one of my favorite people who work at the child welfare office. 

 We're also preparing for another placement. Only a couple days, we're doing respite for another foster parent. The one that had Princess before she was placed here. We get to have 2 little girls for 5 days. A 3 year old, we'll call her Sparkles, and a little one who is going to be 2 soon, we'll call her Snuggles. Hopefully we'll also be getting their little sister from the hospital ANY DAY now! Although to be honest I hope that we don't get the call for the baby until the girls are back with their other foster mom... 7 kids might be a bit much for me. 

 I am so excited to maybe get a baby but I keep telling myself not to buy anything. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Last time we thought we were getting a baby I went out and I bought some stuff and then we didn't get her. I was crushed even though I knew it was better for her to go to family instead of having to be moved later. I have since decided that buying things before hand is a jinx. I will instead have to run out and get stuff if/when I get the call.