New rule to myself: update at least once a week. Not that anyone is really reading this but I want to develop the habit of writing should I ever get followers. So, lets see in the last few months we've had a birthday for Legoman. Pictures later of all the goodies I put together. We also did a joint family birthday party for Legoman and Moose since grandparents were out. Not that any of you care about that, I just realized that my last post was announcing that we were getting another foster placement!
First I'll introduce our new little girl as Princess. I'm also going to go ahead and say that yes it is looking like we'll be adopting her. Apparently her mom is wanting to sign her over to us since she knows DCFS is going to move towards termination and she doesn't want her lost in the system. This next month they're going to set it up for her to sign the paperwork. I am super excited and nervous beyond belief that she's going to change her mind. Princess is super sweet and quiet, she is so the opposite of Giggles. (Not that Giggles isn't sweet she's just loud and boisterous.) She loves ballet at her tender age of 22 months, everytime she sees Bunheads start she freezes to watch the intro and any dance scene that follows. Princess adores shoes, she likes clothes too but shoes are her absolute favorite. I think we have bought over 30 pairs for her in the past 5 months.
Also a little bit of an update on Giggles. Apparently she's not going to the other foster family. They are no longer an option. Soooo.... we might be adopting her too. The case workers involved are hoping that's how it goes but its all up to the judges. Her dad wants her (and seriously why wouldn't he, she is adorable) but he is in jail for a couple of years and there is a whole history about him that makes the department not want to place her with him. I have been warned though that Giggles case is going to take awhile, most likely years. Until then we get to enjoy having her.
Oh and one more announcement, HART officially named us as the adoptive placement for both girls. I'm not sure what the HART is an acronym for but they basically set it up so that whenever a parent's rights are terminated and the appeal process is over you can move straight to adoption. That way you don't have to wait for an approval process afterwards.